The Story Of The Devil Tell Its Secret To The Prophet Muhammad

 Among the miracles of the prophet Muhammad was being able to see Satan and have a dialogue with him, because this is one of his miracles.The story of Prophet Muhammad meeting the devil is as follows:

When the Prophet Muhammad came to the mosque he saw the devil standing at the door of the mosque, then the Prophet Muhammad immediately rebuked him, "O Satan, what are you doing here?"

The devil replied, "I want to enter the mosque to destroy the prayers of a man who is there, but I am afraid of the person sleeping next to the man praying there."

Prophet Muhammad then asked again: "O Devil, why are you more afraid of sleeping men than people praying there?”

The devil answered: "The one who prays beside the person sleeping over there is a fool (who doesn't really understand the real prayer) To spoil his prayer is very easy for me, while the person who sleeps next to the person who prays is a pious person. I was afraid that I would wake up a sleeping pious person, then he would teach and correct the prayers of the fools there. Then the Messenger of Allah (Prophet Muhammad) said "Sleeping about the righteous is better than the prayers of fools. "

There is another piece of information that comes from Ibn Abbas, he said: One day the Messenger of Allah came out to the mosque, suddenly he met the devil. then the Messenger of Allah asked the devil, "What caused you (the devil) to come to the door of this mosque?”

The devil replied "O Muhammad, God (Allah) has brought me here"

Prophet Muhammad then asked, "Why did you come here?”

The devil answered, "I am here so that you ask me about the things you want”

Ibn Abbas went on to say: The first thing the Prophet Muhammad questioned Satan was congregational prayer.

"O devil, why do you prevent humans from praying in the congregation?"

The devil replied, "O Muhammad, when Muslims pray in congregation, I feel like being thrown with hot coals, and this continues until they part (until the congregational prayer is over). ”

Then Prophet Muhammad asked again, "O devil, why do you prevent my people from reading the Qur'an?

The devil answered,  “When your people read the Qur'an, my body melted like lead”

Prophet Muhammad asked, "O Devil, why do you prevent my people from jihad?"

The devil replied: “When they went out for jihad, my two feet were bound until they returned (from jihad).

Then the Prophet Muhammad asked again, "Why do you prevent people from going on pilgrimage?"

The devil replied, “When they went for Haj, my body was chained and shackled, and when they were going to give alms, it was like they were putting their saws and sawing my head”

That was the devil's confession when asked by the Messenger of Allah about his motive for misleading Muhammad's people. Besides, to find as many friends as possible to invite him (humans) to stay in hell with him. Whenever someone practices goodness or religious orders, the devil's body is tortured. Even so, the devil will not die until Judgment Day comes.

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